Just as important as a well executed campaign is a well understood campaign. We provide a detailed analysis of the campaign performance relative to the goals established in our strategic sessions. We will also compare the campaign to historical data provided prior to the campaign.
In addition we can also provide the following.
- Budget to actual and variance analysis.
- Traffic flow analysis – track patterns of traffic volume to use for future event production and quantify location and timing selections.
- Consumer surveys – opportunity to gather additional marketing information from participants.
- Silent shopper analysis – an independent resource to provide arms length feedback on the program.
- Consumer feedback analysis – feedback to gather “experience” profiles from actual participants.
- Team member feedback analysis – a very useful tool from the people who actually interfaced with the customer.
- Photographic or video record.
- Post event interviews with company internal team.
- Post event customer tracking system.
- Media coverage summary.
- Post event assessment. We will conduct our own internal audit of the program and request your assistance to help us improve.
Rather than just provide you with what happened we will also provide an analysis of “what happens next?” This gives our clients not only a summary of the campaign but the basis of a follow up plan and development roadmap that will extend the value of the program.